Draanek_TV logo, art direction and Twitch overlays Creation of the logo, art direction, interfaces (OBS Studio overlays and assets) and Web tools for Draanek_TV's Twitch channel.
Racine A reading reinforcement application designed for adults, enabling them to revise and improve their reading skills through activities rooted in their daily lives and professions. Flutter and Web development.
Corneille Serious game for teaching children to read. Mobile and Web application featuring an algorithm for a personalized learning path, mini-games, digital books and a customizable avatar. Unity and Web development.
Secret Santa Web App Design and development of a secret santa raffle web app. An algorithm picks a person for each participant, ensuring that the whole process forms a loop ( based on the principle of the Hamiltonian cycle) and avoiding that some people offer to some others according to the exceptions defined by the users.
Attack on Bop 2.5D shoot'em up parody game in which you have to beat giant bop cats. Made during the "Mini Jam 81" in team. The theme was "Kaiju".
Video Games Lab 2 – Logo & Motion Design Creation of a logo and the associated motion design, used to introduce the theme of the second video of the Video Games Lab series by Atomium.
At0Nium Bitsses Small humoristic Twitch stream simulation game in which you have to offer 10 million "BITSSES" to a streamer as fast as possible. Game made for an exercise proposed by At0mium for its Video Games Lab video series. The goal was to make a simple button fun.
Video Games Lab – Motion design Motion design made from the At0mium's Video Games Lab logo, for his video series about game design and video game conception.
Unruly Beams 2D space shooter game developed for the game jam "Game Maker's Toolkit" 2020, in less than 48 hours (solo). The theme was "out of control". The goal is to destroy a maximum of enemies, with a constraint: you don't know in which direction your gun will shoot.
Naelle in Gulland FPS-like 3D humorous game for a friend. Based on a private joke, the goal is to recover a burger stolen by gulls.
Plum Puzzle/platform game in which you have a tank to empty and fill to activate mechanisms. Realized during the game jam "Ludum Dare" 46th edition in team. The theme was "Keep it alive".
Race Spirit Models Design, development and integration of the website racespiritmodels.com, online shop of a craftsman specialized in the creation of slotcars and realistic sceneries for miniature tracks.
Anamo Small Puzzle / Platform game in which you have to use the environment to make your character evolve. Realized within the framework of the game jam "Pot-au-jeu" 2nd edition in team. The theme was "metamorphosis".
Real-time Motion Capture This system allows me to capture a facial animation and then use it in Unity on game projects for example, or to get a real-time animated 3D avatar (for example to not show my face during a twitch stream). Synchronized to OBS Studio via websocket as well as to a Twitch bot, the app provides me with all kinds of live interactions.
Race Spirit Models Logo Logo of the website racespiritmodels.com, online shop of a craftsman specialized in the creation of slotcars and realistic sceneries for miniature tracks.
Classic Platformer Remade Small platformer game developed during the game jam "Pot-au-jeu" 1st edition, in less than 60 hours (solo). The theme was "dress up something old as something new". So I took a very classic concept, the platformer, while reversing its main mechanics: we play the platforms, not the character.
We, R Sentient – logo & motion design Motion design for the logo of a video game project, “We, R Sentient”.
At0mium Arena Fangame developed for the At0mium caster/video community. The idea was to reproduce the gameplay of the video game NieR: Automata (to a lesser extent), while incorporating many references and private jokes from the At0mium community.
Japanese exercice Prototype of an online tool allowing to revise one's kanas (characters of the Japanese writing), made in Javascript with jQuery. The tool allows to revise hiraganas, katakanas or both at the same time.
Light Train Project Experimenting with some of Unity's functions in order to create a video game based on light and colors.
Random background generator Javascript plugin developed for my online portfolio. This script generates a random color gradient, then a set of lines and dots are randomly placed on a Canvas (HTML5). A background image, repeated horizontally and vertically, is also chosen at random from 5 predefined images.
BipBipCar Logo Creation of the logo (second version) for the fictive carpooling website BipBipCar.fr, realized in the context of a student project.
Erevitis – CGI Compilation CGI footage made for Muddle Pictures within the framework of the realization of the short film Erevitis (suspended project).
Erevitis promotional wallpaper Promotional wallpaper for the short film "Erevitis" by MUDDLE Pictures.